Education: Fun with Microscopes

Science Education Videos

Use the links below to view educational videos in our Fun with Microscopes series. Our target audience is anyone age 8 and older interested the basic science behind using different kinds of microscopes.

You can watch the videos directly by entering their GoogleDrive URL into your web browser. However, to watch the video with the best image quality you may need to download the mp4 file onto your computer and use your own video software to play it. VLC Media Player is a good choice, but there are many mp4 video players available, including Windows Media Player.

Note that when the audio dialog indicates that you should press the mouse button to continue to the next slide (from PowerPoint) you will need to press the Pause button to momentarily halt the video play.

Episode 1: Seeing is not necessarily believing.

Episode 2: What does it mean to see something?

Episode 3 Part 1: Atoms, atoms, everywhere. But have you ever seen one?

Episode 3 Part 2: Continued…